Embark on a sensory journey inspired by the enigmatic Dame Aylin. Our fragrance captures her essence with delicate violets, the celestial touch of Aasimar wings, and the mystical allure of nag champa. Heliotrope's subtle sweetness forms a comforting base, enveloping you in warmth. At its core, delicate violets evoke Aylin's grace, while the ethereal whisper of aasimar wings imparts a celestial touch, mirroring her otherworldly allure. The fragrance deepens with the mystical allure of nag champa, a nod to Aylin's intriguing nature. Heliotrope's subtle sweetness forms a comforting base, wrapping the scent in warmth. Immerse yourself in the allure and mystery of Dame Aylin's world with this captivating scent.
This scent is inspired by Dame Aylin, a NPC from Larian Studio's Baldur's Gate 3. She is voice acted by Helen Keeley.